
Energy Sources
Man has needed together with used liberate energy at an increasing charge per unit of measurement for his sustenance together with well-being since he came on the world a few i chiliad m years ago. Primitive human being required liberate energy primarily inward the cast of food. He derived this past times eating plants together with animals he hunted. Subsequently he discovered burn together with his liberate energy needs increased equally he started to usage forest together with other biomass to render the liberate energy needs for cooking equally good equally for keeping himself warm.  With the advent of scientific discipline together with applied scientific discipline demand for liberate energy increased at a real fast charge per unit of measurement together with alongside the availability of inexpensive coal, crude oil together with natural gas, the dependence on these liberate energy sources equally good increased at an alarming rate. Due to ever increasing charge per unit of measurement of consumption of liberate energy twenty-four hr catamenia past times day, the charge per unit of measurement of depletion of these sources has been real rapid resulting inward their reserves reaching real depression levels. This irreversible province of affairs of today inward the liberate energy front end has directed us to search for the alternate sources of liberate energy similar solar, wind, biomass, tidal, ocean, geothermal, etc.,.
Energy together with its forms:
Energy is the capacity to practise piece of work or it tin equally good hold upwardly defined equally the mightiness to motion change.
Energy exists inward various forms similar kinetic liberate energy (energy possessed past times bodies inward motion), potential liberate energy (energy possessed past times bodies at an elevation), chemic liberate energy (internal liberate energy i.e., the liberate energy possessed past times virtue of motility together with forces of private atoms together with molecules of the system).  The various other forms of liberate energy are mechanical, thermal, electrical, chemic (storage batteries), radiant together with atomic. All forms of liberate energy are inter-convertible past times appropriate process.
Energy tin hold upwardly classified into several types based on the next criteria as:
• Primary together with Secondary energy
• Commercial together with Non commercial energy
• Renewable together with Non-Renewable energy

Primary together with Secondary Energy sources:
Primary liberate energy sources are those that are either establish or stored inward nature. Common primary liberate energy sources are coal, oil, natural gas, together with biomass (such equally wood). Other primary liberate energy sources establish on world include nuclear liberate energy from radioactive substances, thermal liberate energy stored inward earth’s interior, together with potential liberate energy due to earth’s gravity. The major primary together with secondary liberate energy sources are shown inward Figure 1.1

Primary liberate energy sources are mostly converted inward industrial utilities into secondary liberate energy sources; for instance coal, oil or gas converted into steam together with electricity. Primary liberate energy sources tin equally good hold upwardly used straight equally well.
Commercial Energy
The liberate energy sources that are available inward the marketplace for a definite toll are known equally commercial energy. By far the most of import forms of commercial liberate energy are electricity, coal together with refined crude products. Commercial liberate energy forms the set down of industrial, agricultural, carry together with commercial evolution inward the modern world. In the industrialized countries, commercialized fuels are predominant source non solely for economical production, but equally good for many household tasks of full general population.
Examples: Electricity, lignite, coal, oil, natural gas etc.
Non-Commercial Energy
The liberate energy sources that are non available inward the commercial marketplace for a toll are classified equally non-commercial energy. Non-commercial liberate energy sources include fuels such equally firewood, cattle dung together with agricultural wastes, which are traditionally gathered, together with non bought at a price, used especially inward rural households. These are equally good called traditional fuels. Non-commercial liberate energy is oftentimes ignored inward liberate energy accounting.
Example: (i)Firewood, agro waste materials inward rural areas; (ii)solar liberate energy for H2O heating, electricity generation, for drying grain, fish together with fruits;(iii) brute mightiness for transport, threshing, lifting H2O for irrigation, crushing sugarcane; (v) air current liberate energy for lifting H2O together with electricity generation.

Renewable together with Non-Renewable Energy

Renewable liberate energy is liberate energy obtained from sources that are essentially inexhaustible. Examples of renewable resources include air current energy, solar energy, geothermal energy, tidal liberate energy together with hydroelectric energy.  The most of import characteristic of renewable liberate energy is that it tin hold upwardly harnessed without the release of harmful pollutants.

Non-renewable liberate energy is the conventional fossil fuels such equally coal, oil together with gas, which are probable to deplete alongside time.

1.     Available inward plenty inward nature together with inexhaustible.
2.     These tin hold upwardly built equally closed equally possible to the signal of consumption together with transmission losses tin hold upwardly minimised.
3.     The available technologies are to a greater extent than flexible together with highly diverse.
4.     A skillful amount of variation is possible inward the liberate energy quality.
5.     Locally available renewable liberate energy tin hold upwardly fully utilised.

1.     Concentration of these resources is limited to sure enough regions.
2.     Supply is intermittent together with equally good varies seasonally.
3.     Cost of the equipment to harness these resources is comparatively higher than those of the conventional liberate energy sources.
4.     Some of the components similar solar cells, auto tracking systems, concentrators etc., all require real high technology.
5.     Need for storage scheme to shop liberate energy when the render is available inward plenty together with to usage when the render is inadequate or absent.

Another means of classifying the liberate energy sources is conventional together with non-conventional liberate energy sources. Fossil fuels, hydro together with nuclear energies are conventional whereas direct solar energy, tidal, geothermal, air current liberate energy together with bounding main thermal liberate energy are non-conventional.

Fossil Fuels:
Fossil fuels are liberate energy rich substances that have got been formed from long-buried plants together with micro-organisms. Fossil fuels include petroleum, coal together with natural gas. Chemically fossil fuel consists largely of hydrocarbons, which are compounds of hydrogen together with carbon. Hydrocarbons are formed from ancient living organisms that were buried nether layers of sediment millions of years ago. As accumulating sediment layers exerted increasing estrus together with pressure, the remains of the organisms gradually transformed into hydrocarbons.

Coal Formation : Coal is a venture fuel formed from ancient plants- including trees, ferns together with mosses that grew inward swamp together with bogs or along the coastal shore lines. Generations of these plants died together with were gradually buried nether layers of sediment. As the sedimentary overburden increased, the organic textile was subjected to increasing estrus together with pressure level that motion the organic textile to undergo a disclose of transitional states to cast coal. The mounting pressure level together with temperature caused the master copy organic material, which was rich inward carbon, hydrogen together with oxygen, to larn increasingly carbon-rich together with hydrogen together with oxygen-poor. The successive stages of coal formation are peat, lignite, bituminous together with anthracite.

Coal Reserves:
The proven global coal reserve was estimated to hold upwardly 9,84,453 i chiliad m tonnes past times terminate of 2003. The USA had the largest portion of the global reserve (25.4%) followed past times Russian Federation (15.9%), China (11.6%). Republic of Republic of India was quaternary inward the listing alongside 8.6%.

Petroleum together with Natural Gas formation:
Petroleum is formed chiefly from ancient microscopic plants together with bacteria that existed inward the bounding main together with seas. When these micro-organisms died together with settled to the seafloor, they mixed alongside sand the silt to cast organic –rich mud. As layers of sediment accumulated over this organic ooze, the mud was gradually heated together with piece of cake compressed into shale, chemically transforming into petroleum. The crude fills the tiny holes inside nearby porous rocks. The liquid crude together with gases which are less dense than H2O together with lighter displace upwards through the earth’s crust. H5N1 portion of these crude eventually encounter an impermeable layer of stone which traps the petroleum, creating a reservoir of crude together with natural gas. Because of its depression density relative to petroleum, natural gas forms a layer over the petroleum.

Oil Reserves:
The global proven oil reserve was estimated to hold upwardly 1147 billion barrels past times the terminate of 2003. Saudi Arabia had the largest portion of the reserve alongside almost 23%.  (One barrel of oil is roughly 160 litres)

Gas Reserves:

The global proven gas reserve was estimated to hold upwardly 176 trillion cubic metres past times the terminate of 2003. The Russian Federation had the largest portion of the reserve alongside almost 27%.

Reserves/Production (R/P) ratio- If the reserves remaining at the terminate of the twelvemonth are divided past times the production inward that year, the upshot is the length of fourth dimension that the remaining reserves would final if production were to go on at that level.
The Reserves-to-production ratio (or R/P) is the remaining amount of a non-renewable resource, expressed inward years. While applicable to all natural resources, the R/P is most commonly applied to fossil fuels, especially petroleum together with natural gas. The reserve portion (numerator) of the ratio is the amount of a resources known to be inward an expanse together with to hold upwardly economically recoverable (proved reserves). The production portion (denominator) of the ratio is the amount of resources used inward i twelvemonth at the electrical flow rate.
R/P = (amount of known reserves) / (amount used per year)
World oil together with gas reserves are estimated at simply 45 years together with 65 years respectively. Coal is probable to final a petty over 200 years
This ratio is used past times companies together with authorities agencies inward forecasting the futurity availability of a resources to create upwardly one's heed projection life, futurity income, employment, etc, together with to create upwardly one's heed whether to a greater extent than exploration must hold upwardly undertaken to ensure continued render of the resource.
Advantages together with disadvantages of conventional liberate energy sources
1.     Fully developed applied scientific discipline is available to harness this energy.
2.     Cost of generation has been brought downwardly to affordable levels.
3.     They tin hold upwardly easily transported to whatever place.
4.     Ideal for pocket-size applications.

1.   They are polluting because of their emissions.
2.  Their availability is reducing equally they are inward limited quantity inward nature together with these sources are depleting at a fast pace.
3.   They are leading to lot of ecological imbalances.
4.   They are unremarkably far off from the signal of consumption.

Solar Energy:

Solar liberate energy is a real large, inexhaustible source of energy. The mightiness from the Sun intercepted past times the world is roughly 1.8 x 1011MW, which is many thousands of times larger than the introduce consumption charge per unit of measurement on the world of all commercial liberate energy sources. Hence solar liberate energy tin render all the introduce together with futurity liberate energy needs of the world on a continuing basis. This makes it i of the most promising renewable source of energy.
The Sun provides world alongside the radiant liberate energy which has 2 distinctive properties viz, lighting together with heating resulting from nuclear fusion reactions at its core. Some solar equipment is designed to usage the lite belongings of solar radiations piece few others are designed to usage the heating property. 

The Sun constantly delivers 1343 W/m2 of mightiness on an average to the world out of which a maximum of 1000 W/m2 of mightiness is received on the earth’s surface afterward passing through the earth’s atmosphere. It is environmentally create clean source of liberate energy together with is freely available. However the solar liberate energy is real diffuse, cyclic together with oftentimes undependable. Therefore it needs systems together with components that tin collect together with concentrate it efficiently.

Solar liberate energy conversion:

The solar liberate energy tin hold upwardly utilised inward direct cast equally good equally indirect form.
The direct cast of utilisation of solar liberate energy are (i) Helio–electrical together with (ii)Helio- thermal  processes.
The indirect forms of solar liberate energy are (i) Biomass liberate energy (Helio-chemical) (ii) Wind liberate energy (iii) Tidal liberate energy (iv) bounding main thermal liberate energy (v) Hydel liberate energy etc.,
Helio-electrical  Process :
Solar liberate energy tin hold upwardly straight converted into direct electrical flow past times photovoltaic cells.
The devices used inward photovoltaic conversion are called solar cells. When solar radiations falls on these devices it is converted straight into DC electricity. The principal advantages associated alongside solar cells are that, they have got no moving parts, require petty maintenance together with piece of work quite satisfactorily alongside beam together with diffuse radiation.

Description together with Principle of working of solar jail cellphone

Single Crystal silicon cell:




Figure 2(a):  Structure together with regulation component of a solar cell                        Figure 3: Photovoltaic cell.

Figure 2(b)
Single crystal silicon cells are sparse wafers almost 300µm inward thickness, sliced from a unmarried crystal of p-type doped silicon. The silicon alongside added impurity such equally boron or gallium is called p-type Silicon. H5N1 shallow junction is formed at i terminate past times diffusion of the n-type impurity. The silicon alongside added materials such equally arsenic or Phosphorus is called n-type silicon. Metal electrodes made from- Ti-Ag solder are attached to the front end together with dorsum side of the cell. On the front end side, the electrode is inward the cast of a metallic grid which permit the sunlight to laissez passer on through, piece on the dorsum side, the electrode completely covers the surface.  A typical jail cellphone develops a voltage of 0.5 to 1 V together with a electrical flow density of 20 to xl mA/cm2. In monastic tell to obtain higher voltages together with currents, private cells are connected inward serial together with parallel to cast a module. In turn, a disclose of modules are interconnected to cast an array.
Principle of working of a solar cell.
When a p-n junction of a semiconductor is exposed to sunlight some of the photons are absorbed inward the vicinity of p-n junction. The photons absorbed at the p-n junction volition have got high liberate energy to dislodge an electron from the fixed seat inward the textile together with gives it plenty liberate energy to displace freely inward the material. The electron evicted from its customary bond tin locomote through the entire crystalline venture together with capable of responding to electrical plain together with other influences. The bond from which the electron was ejected is brusk of i electron creating a hole which is equally good mobile. Thus the ejected costless electron together with the hole cast an electron –hole pair. The electrons together with the holes beingness of opposite accuse volition hold upwardly pushed inward dissimilar directions past times the electrical plain which already exists inward the vicinity of the junction if they come upwardly into the part close the p-n junction. The permanent electrical plain which is already built-in close the p-n junction pushes the hole into the p-region together with the electron into the n-region. Thus p-region becomes positively charged together with the n-region becomes negatively charged. If an external charge is applied, this accuse departure volition drive a electrical flow through it. The electrical flow volition flow so long equally the sunlight keeps generating the electron-hole pairs.

Helio-thermal Process.
The heating belongings of solar radiations is used inward the devices to come across the thermal liberate energy needs.  It is necessary to collect together with concentrate the solar radiations inward an efficient means to go far a reasonably high-temperature estrus source. The collectors get together the sun’s liberate energy together with direct it onto receivers that incorporate the working fluid.
Basically 2 types of collectors are used together with they are apartment plate collectors together with concentrating collectors.
Figure 4: Flat plate collector

Figure 4: Flat plate collector (cut-view)
In apartment plate collectors the incident solar radiations is absorbed past times the collectors surface itself, which are unremarkably coated alongside dark pigment (usually electroplated), covered alongside transparent drinking glass encompass on top together with insulated all about to preclude the estrus loss from the collector surface. The dark collector surface gets heated upwardly together with and so inward plough transfers the estrus to the fluid passing through the tubes which are either welded or soldered or are integral component of the collector plate. Flat plate collectors are unremarkably sloped together with oriented inward i detail management together with are capable of collecting both diffuse together with beam radiation. Since in that location are no moving parts inward it, the repair together with maintenance cost is equally good null or negligible. H5N1 maximum of 100°C tin hold upwardly easily achieved using apartment plate collectors together with are to a greater extent than popularly used inward solar H2O heating applications together with solar air heaters equally they are relatively cheaper equally compared to the cost of concentrating collectors.
In concentrating collectors the incident solar radiations falls on a large curved surface from where it is reflected together with focused on to focal signal or occupation depending upon the type of the geometrical structure of the concentrating collector.  When temperatures higher than 100°C are required, it becomes necessary to concentrate the radiation. This is achieved using focusing or concentrating collectors. H5N1 schematic diagram of a typical concentrating collector is shown inward figure 5. The collector consists of a concentrator together with a receiver. The concentrator shown is a mirror reflector having the shape of a cylindrical parabola. It focuses the sunlight onto its axis, where it is absorbed on the surface of the absorber underground together with transferred to the fluid flowing through it. H5N1 concentric drinking glass encompass about the absorber underground helps inward reducing the convective together with radiative losses to the surroundings. In monastic tell that the sun’s rays should ever hold upwardly focussed onto the absorber tube, the concentrator has to hold upwardly rotated. This motion is called tracking. In the instance of cylindrical parabolic concentrators, rotation almost a unmarried axis is to a greater extent than oftentimes than non required. Fluid temperatures upto 400°C tin hold upwardly achieved inward cylindrical parabolic focussing collector systems.  The generation of soundless higher temperature is possible past times using paraboloid reflectors (shown inward figure) which have got a signal focus. These require two-axis tracking so that the Sun is inward occupation alongside the focus together with the vertex of the paraboloid.
One of the major problems associated alongside the utilisation of solar liberate energy is its variability. For this reason, most applications require some type of liberate energy storage system. The piece of work of such a scheme is to shop when it is inward excess of the requirement of an application together with to brand it available for extraction when the render of solar liberate energy is absent or inadequate.
Figure 5: Concentrating collectors
Helio-chemical Process / Photosynthesis
The most of import chemic reaction on the world is the reaction of sunlight together with greenish plants. Radiant liberate energy of the Sun is absorbed past times the greenish pigment chlorophyll inward the industrial plant life together with is stored inside the industrial plant life inward the cast of chemic bond energy.
The visible lite having wavelength below 700A° is absorbed past times the greenish chlorophyll which becomes activated together with passes its liberate energy on to H2O molecules.  A hydrogen atom is released together with reacts alongside the carbon dioxide molecules, to make H2CO together with oxygen. H2CO is the basic molecule forming carbohydrate.  The oxygen librated is from H2O molecule together with non from CO2.  This procedure is called equally carbon fixation or carbon assimilation.
The procedure of photosynthesis has 2 main steps:
(i) Splitting of H2O molecules into Hand O2 nether the influence of chlorophyll together with sunlight. This stage of reaction is called the light-reaction. In this reaction, lite absorbed past times chlorophyll causes photolysis of water. O2 escapes together with H2 is transformed into some unknown compounds. The solar liberate energy is converted into potential chemic energy.
(ii) In the minute step, hydrogen is transferred from this unknown chemical compound to CO2 to cast starch or sugar. Formation of starch or refined saccharify is dark reaction non requiring sunlight.
However, photosynthesis concepts is less attractive equally the average efficiency of solar liberate energy conversion inward plants is almost 1% together with overall efficiency of the conversion of sunlight to electricity would hold upwardly almost 0.3% compared to xviii to 21% for photo-voltaic cells. Still worldwide photosynthetic activity tin shop to a greater extent than than 15times equally much liberate energy equally consumed past times all nations of the world.
Wind Energy:
Wind liberate energy is an indirect cast of solar energy. It is caused past times the uneven heating of the earth’s surface past times the sun. Since the earth’s surface is made of real dissimilar type of terra firma together with water, it absorbs the sun’s estrus at dissimilar rates. During the day, the air to a higher house the terra firma heats upwardly to a greater extent than speedily than the air over water. The warm air over the terra firma expands together with rises, together with the heavier, cooler air rushes inward to have got its place, creating wind. At night, the air current is reversed inward management because the air cools to a greater extent than rapidly over the terra firma than over water. Although solar liberate energy is cyclic together with predictable, air current energy, nonetheless is erratic, unsteady. However, in that location are many locations where the air current management together with velocity are relatively constant over long periods.
Wind possesses liberate energy past times virtue of its motion. Any device capable of slowing downwardly the volume of moving air, similar a canvass or propeller, tin extract component of the liberate energy together with convert it into useful work. Three factors create upwardly one's heed the output from a air current liberate energy converter:
i)        The air current speed,
ii)      The cross-section of air current swept past times the rotor and
iii)     The overall conversion efficiency of the rotor, transmission scheme together with generator or pump.
The air current turbines or windmills are used to convert the kinetic liberate energy of the air current into mechanical work, which may hold upwardly converted into electrical energy. No device, nonetheless well-designed, tin extract all the wind’s liberate energy because the air current would have got to hold upwardly brought to a halt together with this would preclude the passage of to a greater extent than air through the rotor. The most that is possible is for the rotor to decelerate the whole horizontal column of intercepted air to almost one-third of its costless velocity.
The mightiness inward the air current tin hold upwardly computed past times using the concepts of kinetics. The air current factory works on the regulation of converting kinetic liberate energy of air current to mechanical energy. We know that the mightiness is equal to liberate energy per unit of measurement time. The liberate energy available is the kinetic liberate energy of the wind.
The kinetic liberate energy of whatever particle is = ½ mV2   joules
Where m = volume of the particle and
           V = velocity
The amount of air passing inward unit of measurement time, through an expanse A, alongside velocity V, is = A.V  m3/s
and its volume m is equal to its book multiplied past times its density ρ of air, or
i.e.   m = vol X ρ   = ρ AV                   kg/s
(m is the volume of air traversing the expanse H5N1 swept past times the rotating blades of a air current factory type generator)
Substituting this value of the volume inward the facial expression for the kinetic energy, nosotros obtain, power available inward air current = ½ ρ AV. V2 watts
                                                = ½ ρ H5N1 V3 watts.
Since H5N1 = (π D2) / 4, where D = diameter of the rotor.
Available air current mightiness =
                                            = watts
Hence the air current mightiness is proportional to foursquare of the diameter of the rotor together with to the cube of air current velocity.
Figure vi shows the schematic diagram of a horizontal axis windmill. It consists of tall tower alongside a large propeller on the top. The air current blows the propeller to rotate, which turns a generator to make electricity. Some of the to a greater extent than oftentimes than non used propeller for horizontal axis windmills is: Multiblade type, canvass type together with propeller type. The vertical axis windmill propellers are: Savonius type together with Darrieus type. One payoff of vertical windmills is that they operate inward all air current directions together with thus demand no yaw adjustments. But they have got relatively depression tip-to air current speed ratios together with lower mightiness outputs per given rotor size, weight together with cost.
Figure 6: Windmill
Multi-blade Windmill: Usually consists of 12 to 20 blades made from metallic sheets equally shown inward figure 7. Windmill having many blades is unremarkably of depression speed system. The Multiblade scheme volition hold upwardly real heavy but develops a high torque. It is mainly used to drive H2O pumps. Example: Sail type, Propeller type
Fig.7: Multiblade windmill                 Fig.8: Sail type              Fig.9: Propeller type

  Figure 10: Savonious rotor                                     Figure 11: Darrieus Rotor
Advantages together with disadvantages of air current energy
1.    It is a renewable resource.
2.    Wind liberate energy is free, non-polluting together with inexhaustible energy.
3.     Windmills are highly desirable to the rural areas, which are far from the existing grids
1.    Large size conversion machines are necessary due to dilute cast of energy.
2.    The air current velocity is neither constant inward magnitude nor inward management together with equally good velocity varies from the bottom to top of the large rotor. This imposes cyclic loads on the turbine blades.
3.    Necessitates the liberate energy storage device. i.e., shop the liberate energy when the air current is skillful together with usage it when it is inadequate or absent.
4.    High initial cost together with depression mightiness co-efficient
Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion
The solar liberate energy stored equally estrus inward the bounding main tin hold upwardly converted into electrical liberate energy past times making usage of the temperature departure betwixt the warm surface H2O together with the colder deep water. The performance of Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion industrial plant life is based on the thermodynamic principle. It is possible to run a estrus engine (prime mover), past times utilising the temperature difference, if a estrus source at higher temperature together with a estrus sink at lower temperature are available. The prime number mover tin convert a component of the estrus taken from the source into mechanical liberate energy together with therefore into electrical energy. The residual estrus is discharged to the sink at lower temperature. Warm surface H2O is the estrus source together with the deep colder H2O provides the sink inward OTEC systems.
The tropical oceans acts equally built-in solar collectors together with solar radiations is absorbed past times the top layers of sea H2O together with constitutes an infinite estrus storage reservoir. Solar liberate energy absorption past times H2O takes house according to Lambert’s police force of absorption, which states that each layer of equal thickness absorbs the same fraction of lite that passes through it.
                             I(x) = I0 e-kx
Where I0 together with I(x) are the intensities of radiations at the surface (x = 0) together with at a distance x below the surface. K is an extinction co-efficient that has the unit of measurement L-1. K has values of 0.05m-1 for real clear fresh water, 0.27m-1 for turbid fresh H2O together with 0.5m-1 for real salty water. Thus the intensity decreases exponentially alongside the depth together with depending upon the K, almost all of the absorption occurs real closed to the surface of deep waters. Because of the estrus together with volume transfer at the surface itself, the maximum temperatures occur simply below the surface. There volition hold upwardly no thermal convection currents betwixt the warmer, lighter H2O at the top together with deep cooler, heavier water. The temperature departure betwixt warm surface H2O together with deep cool H2O tin go past times to a greater extent than than 25 K.
The surface temperature vary both alongside latitude together with season, both beingness maximum inward tropical, subtropical together with equatorial H2O making these the most suitable for OTEC systems.
Ocean thermal electrical mightiness generation using closed wheel system
It consists of an evaporator, condenser, turbine, heart together with electrical mightiness generator. The ammonia (or propane or a Freon) is used equally the working fluid which executes a closed cycle.
Fig.16: Schematic layout of closed wheel Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion plant
The warm surface H2O is pumped to an evaporator (a surface estrus exchanger) where the working fluid is evaporated to high pressure level vapour to drive the turbines which are essentially real pocket-size inward size equally compared to that of opened upwardly wheel scheme turbine which handles depression pressure level steam. The exhaust of the turbine is condensed past times the mutual depression temperature H2O drawn from the deep bounding main through a pump. The condensate is pumped at high pressure level to the evaporator to re-execute the rankine cycle. The schematic layout of the industrial plant life is equally illustrated inward the figure16.
The electricity produced could together with so hold upwardly transmitted inexpensively to terra firma past times submarine cables or tin hold upwardly utilised at the industrial plant life site to make energy-intensive materials inward instance of offshore OTEC plants.


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