Branches of mechanical engineering: Dso 530: Applied Modern Statistical Learning Techniques

DSO 530: Applied Modern Statistical Learning Techniques
Very useful flat for R lovers! :) this flat is taught past times Dr.

Abbass Al Sharif



Chapter 2: Statistical Learning- pdf (part 1part 2), ppt (part 1part 2)
Chapter 3: Linear Regression- pdfppt
Chapter 4: Classification- pdf (part 1part 2), ppt (part 1part 2)
Chapter 5: Resampling Methods- pdfppt
Chapter 6: Linear Model Selection as well as Regularization- pdfppt
Chapter 7: Moving Beyond Linearity
Chapter 8: Tree-Based Methods- pdf (part 1part 2), ppt (part 1part 2)
Chapter 9: Support Vector Machines- pdf, ppt
Chapter 10: Unsupervised Learning- pdfppt

R Code alongside Explanations

KNN for Classificationpdf
Simple Linear Regression: htmlpdf
Multiple Linear Regression: htmlpdf
Logistic Regression, LDA, QDA: pdf

(Similar documents volition move added during the Fall 2014 semester)


Project Description: Download

Sample 4: Finding Happiness
Sample 6: Breaking Vegas
Sample 7: Analyzing Biochemical Properties to Grade Wine Quality
Sample 10: Analysis of Determinants of Peer-to-Peer Load Default
Sample 11: SPAM Classification


"An Introduction to Statistical Learning alongside Applications inwards R” past times James, Witten, Hastie, as well as Tibshirani.

Book Webpage        Datasets        R Lab Code        ISLR R Package


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