Branches of mechanical engineering:Mae Undergrad Immature Jin Kim Wins Library Query Award

Jacobs School undergrad Young Jin Kim won mo prize inwards the Life Sciences / Physical Sciences category of the 2012 Undergraduate Library Research Prize hither at UC San Diego. (Read the amount even out on the UC San Diego Library website.)

Young Jin Kim, who is affiliated alongside Sixth College, who was nominated for the Undergraduate Library Research Prize yesteryear Joanna McKittrick, a professor of Mechanical as well as Aerospace Engineering. Young Jin's interrogation projection focused on designing as well as edifice a spray pyrolysis stalk to create luminescent powders for application inwards company state lighting. McKittrick outset hired Kim to endure inwards her lab after he approached her alongside a proposal titled "I Want to Work inwards Your Lab," inwards which he explained his fascination alongside materials science. That first clearly made him stand upwardly out, equally did his interrogation subsequently.

"When Young Jin started this research, he knew zip virtually company state lighting or luminescent materials as well as I was impressed alongside his independent interrogation into these topics," said McKittrick. "To educate this novel method to synthesize particles, he needed to comport some background research. He independently, as well as without my prodding, learned to purpose the vast library resources available to us on the campus. He has looked upwardly papers on his research, read textbooks to sympathise the principles of spectroscopy as well as x-ray diffraction, as well as learned to purpose the JCPDS files inwards the library. I am genuinely astonished that he keyed onto the importance of using the library inwards this expanse of research; he has definitely surpassed some to a greater extent than senior graduate students inwards his interrogation approach."

In selecting Young Jin for sec Prize, the jury was most influenced yesteryear the fact that he employed interrogation methods non used earlier inwards McKittrick's lab, as well as equally a result, he was able to laid experiments based on detailed descriptions he industrial plant life inwards periodical articles; previously, experiments were based on methods already inwards purpose inwards the lab. This demonstrates how critical the data resources he delved into were to his actual research, at every measuring of the process.

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