Branches of mechanical engineering: Dicision Tree | Requirement Analysis Together With Specification

Decision tree :

A conclusion tree gives a graphic persuasion of the processing logic involved inward conclusion making in addition to the corresponding actions taken. The edges of a conclusion tree stand upward for atmospheric condition in addition to the foliage nodes stand upward for the actions to live on performed depending on the effect of testing the condition.

Example: -

Consider Library Membership Automation Software (LMS) where it should back upward the next iii options:

  • ƒ     New member  
  •      Renewal  
  •      Cancel membership

New fellow member option-

Decision: When the 'new member' selection is selected, the software asks details virtually the fellow member similar the member's name, address, telephone publish etc.

Action: If proper information is entered in addition to thus a membership tape for the fellow member is created in addition to a nib is printed for the annual membership accuse addition the safety deposit payable.

Renewal option-

Decision: If the 'renewal' selection is chosen, the LMS asks for the member's elevate in addition to his membership publish to banking concern check whether he is a valid fellow member or not.

Action: If the membership is valid in addition to thus membership function past times away appointment is updated in addition to the annual membership nib is printed, otherwise an mistake message is displayed.

Cancel membership option-

Decision: If the 'cancel membership' selection is selected, in addition to thus the software asks for member's elevate in addition to his membership number.

Action: The membership is cancelled, a cheque for the residuum total due to the fellow member is printed in addition to in conclusion the membership tape is deleted from the database.

Decision tree representation of the inward a higher house instance -

The next tree shows the graphical representation of the inward a higher house example. After getting information from the user, the arrangement makes a conclusion in addition to and thus performs the corresponding actions


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