Branches of mechanical engineering:Engineers Turned Chocolatiers Inwards The Spotlight Inwards Forbes

Michael in addition to Richard Antonorsi, ii applied scientific discipline alumni who parleyed their degrees for jobs inward the engineering manufacture in addition to after crated Chuao, a gourmet build of chocolate, are profiled inward the BrandVoice department of Forbes' website: The brothers earned degrees inward bioengineering in addition to figurer scientific discipline inward the mid-1980s hither at UC San Diego.

The Forbes even out calls Chuao "a national histrion inward the super-premium chocolate-bar market." The chocolate bars, amongst exotic flavors such every bit maple bacon, are directly sold at most 2,500 locations around the country, including major retailers similar Whole Foods. If you're on the UC San Diego campus, you lot tin likewise uncovering them at several locations, including the Sunshine Store inward the Price Center.

To larn to a greater extent than most the brother's journeying to chocolate fame, read this story inward This Week @ UC San Diego


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