Branches of mechanical engineering: How To Solve Fluid Mechanics Problems Using Moody Diagram

Hello my boyfriend scientific discipline lovers as well as Mechanical Engineers. Today I am gonna solve an example problem of Fluid Mechanics or Fluid Power (Fluidics) using Very Important Moody Diagram. Before you lot start to await at the occupation you lot tin convey a await at the next post service - 

Problem Solving Using Moody Diagram 

Problem -   A Hydraulic fossil oil has the kinematic viscosity of fifty cS . The fossil oil flows through a commercial steel pipage of one inch diameter. Find the friction part for the next weather condition -

a. Velocity of the menstruum - ten ft/s 
b. Velocity of the menstruum - xl ft/s 


At offset nosotros convey to notice Raynolds Number from this formula, (This formula is optimized for kinematic viscosity inwards cS = Centistokes)


Hello my boyfriend scientific discipline lovers as well as Mechanical Engineers branchesofmechanicalengineering: How to Solve Fluid Mechanics Problems Using Moody Diagram

Hello my boyfriend scientific discipline lovers as well as Mechanical Engineers branchesofmechanicalengineering: How to Solve Fluid Mechanics Problems Using Moody Diagram

Putting the values of all the parameters nosotros larn - 

a . Raynolds Number is 1548. So the menstruum is laminer (Raynolds release < 2000 )
 So hither nosotros don't need the relative roughness as well as so nosotros don't need the Moody Chart. Simply nosotros volition purpose the formula  for friction factor, f 

Hello my boyfriend scientific discipline lovers as well as Mechanical Engineers branchesofmechanicalengineering: How to Solve Fluid Mechanics Problems Using Moody Diagram

By using this formula nosotros larn friction part , f = 0.042 (ans)

b. Raynolds Number is 6192 . So the menstruum is Turbulent (Raynolds Number > 4000)  

Now for turbulent menstruum nosotros volition convey to use moody diagram for getting the friction factor. For that argue nosotros convey to calculate the relative roughness. Here is the equation for relative roughness.

Hello my boyfriend scientific discipline lovers as well as Mechanical Engineers branchesofmechanicalengineering: How to Solve Fluid Mechanics Problems Using Moody Diagram

For getting the value of epsilon nosotros volition purpose this nautical chart -

Hello my boyfriend scientific discipline lovers as well as Mechanical Engineers branchesofmechanicalengineering: How to Solve Fluid Mechanics Problems Using Moody Diagram

From the nautical chart nosotros run into that-  for commercial steel actual roughness epsilon = 0.0018 

So Relative roughness = 0.0018 inwards / one inwards = 0.0018 

Now larn  in to the moody chart 

Locate Raynolds Number = 6192 inwards the Raynolds Number axis inwards the chart. And directly larn upwards vertically to larn the value of relative roughness = 0.0018 . Now projection horizontally for getting the value of f . Which is f = 0.036 (ans) . For your assistance the necessary points are shown inwards the diagram.

Hello my boyfriend scientific discipline lovers as well as Mechanical Engineers branchesofmechanicalengineering: How to Solve Fluid Mechanics Problems Using Moody Diagram

Thank you. If you lot convey whatever query almost the occupation or the Moody Diagram as well as so contact me or only exit a comment. Cheers ! Hope this volition hold upwards helpful .


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