Branches of mechanical engineering: Solar Concentrator Classification: Advantages Of Solar Concentrator

Introduction: definition of Solar Concentrators:

Solar Concentrator is a device which concentrates the solar liberate energy incident over a large surface onto a smaller surface. The concentration is achieved past times the role of suitable reflecting or refracting elements, which results inward a increased flux density on the absorber surface compared to that existing on the concentrator aperture. In guild to instruct a maximum concentration an scheme for tracking the sun’s virtual motion is required.  An accurate focusing device is besides required. Thus a solar concentrator consists of a focusing device, a receiver scheme as well as a tracking arrangement. Temperature every bit high every bit 3000 degrees Celsius tin live got from a solar concentrator. So they accept potential applications inward both thermal as well as photovoltaic utilization of solar ability at high temperatures.
Solar concentrating devices accept been used for a long time. In Florence every bit early on every bit 1695, a diamond could live melted past times solar energy. Lavoisier carried out a set out of experiments alongside his double-lens concentrator. The noesis concentrator dates dorsum fifty-fifty fourth dimension of Archimedes, whose volume "On Burning Mirrors" is an prove of this fact. Many uses of concentrators were reported inward the eighteenth as well as nineteenth centuries, peculiarly inward oestrus engines as well as steam production. The advantages of concentrator are every bit follows: 

 is a device which concentrates the solar liberate energy incident over a large surface onto a smal branchesofmechanicalengineering: Solar Concentrator Classification: Advantages of Solar Concentrator

The advantages of solar concentrator

1. It increases the intensity past times concentrating the liberate energy available over a large surface onto a smaller surface (absorber)
2. Due to concentration on a smaller area, the oestrus loss surface area is reduced. Further, the thermal volume us much smaller than that of a apartment plate collector as well as thence transient effects are small.
3. The delivery temperatures existence high, a thermodynamic fit betwixt the temperature flat the draw occurs.
4. It helps inward reducing the toll past times replacing an expensive large receiver past times a less expensive reflecting or refracting area.

Disadvantages of Solar Concentrator

However, concentrator is a optical scheme as well as thence the optical loss damage move significant. Further it industrial plant on beam ingredient of solar radiation, resulting inward loss of diffuse component. Although the basic concepts of apartment plate collectors are applicable to concentrating systems, a set out of complications arise because of non-uniform flux on absorbers, broad variations inward shape, temperature as well as oestrus loss demeanour of absorbers as well as lastly the optical considerations inward the liberate energy residue conditions. It may live noted that higher the concentration of the collector, higher is the precision of optics as well as to a greater extent than is the toll of the unit. In add-on to the complexity of the system, the maintenance requirements are besides increased.

Classification of solar concentrator

Solar concentrators may live classified every bit (i) tracking type as well as (ii) non-tracking type. Tracking may live continuous or intermittent as well as may live one-axis or 2 -axes. As the Sun may live followed past times moving either the focusing business office or receiver or both; concentrators tin live classified accordingly. Further the scheme may accept distributed receiver or fundamental receiver.
The concentrators may besides live classified on the footing of optical components. 
They may be 

1. Reflecting or refractory type
2. Imaging or non-imaging type
3. Line focusing or betoken focusing type

The reflecting or refracting surface may live i slice or a composite surface, it may live a unmarried phase or 2 phase type scheme as well as may live symmetric or asymmetric. In practise nonetheless hybrid as well as multistage systems, incorporating diverse levels of the features, occur frequently.

Types of solar concentrators

There are a set out of methods past times which the flux radiations on receivers tin live increased. Some of them accept been discussed here:

   Tracking Concentrators classification: 

   Tracking Concentrators tin live farther classified as

    Concentrators alongside i axis tracking 

    These are used to arrive at moderate concentration. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 few of them accept been described below.

i.    Fixed Mirror Solar Concentrator (FMSC)
ii.  Cylindrical Parabolic Concentrator
iii.  Linear Fresnel Lens/reflector
         (Follow the link of i axis tracking concentrator for getting the description of all 3 concentrators)

Concentrators alongside two-axes tracking 

           In guild to arrive at a high concentrators for high temperatures solar processes, concentrators alongside double curvatures are used. These requires 2 axes tracking of the sun. Some of these accept been described below: 

i. Paraboloidal dish concentrators 
ii. Central Tower Receivers 
iii. Circular Fresnel Lens 
iv. Hemispherical bowl mirror

Non-tracking concentrators classification 

These are classified every bit follows: 

i. Flat Receiver alongside booster mirror 
ii. Tabor- Zeimer Circular Cylinder 
iii. Compound Parabolic Concentrator 


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