Branches of mechanical engineering: Resistance Projection Welding (Rpw) Advantages In Addition To Disadvantages

Working Principle of Resistance Projection Welding (RPW)

In resistance projection welding (RPW), small-scale projections are formed on 1 or both pieces of the base of operations metallic to obtain contact at a betoken which localize the electrical flow menses in addition to concentrate the heat. Under pressure, the heated in addition to softened projections collapse in addition to a weld is formed. Projection on the upper element is pressed against the lower element past times electrode force. The projection collapses in addition to a fused weld nugget are formed amongst the application of current. This technique is of particular value inwards mounting attachments to surfaces of which the dorsum side is inaccessible to a welding operator.

Working Principle of Resistance Projection Welding  branchesofmechanicalengineering: Resistance Projection Welding (RPW) Advantages in addition to Disadvantages

Advantages of resistance projection welding 

  • Simultaneous functioning tin flaming hold out done i.e. to a greater extent than than 1 welds tin flaming hold out made. 
  • Projection welding has this wages that it tin flaming weld metals of thickness which is non suitable for spot welding. 
  • Projection welding electrodes accept a longer life when compared to location welding electrodes. Its because projection welding electrodes accept to withstand less vesture in addition to less heating.  
  • Resistance projection welding is non express to canvas to canvas joints. 
  • Projection welding tin flaming hold out done inwards specific points which are desired to hold out welded. 
  • In hard welding run projection welding gives a ameliorate oestrus balance. 
  • Projection welding saves electricity because it needs less electrical flow to create heat. So it reduces the shrinkage in addition to distortion defects.  

Disadvantages of RPW 

  • All types of metals cannot hold out welded using projection method. Metal thickness in addition to composition is a big question. 
  • All the metals are non rigid plenty to back upward the projections. Some brasses in addition to coppers cannot hold out welded satisfactorily using projection welding. 
  • There is an extra functioning which is called forming of projection. 
  • Projections take away to accept same heights for a appropriate welding. 


  • Resistance Projection welding is used inwards Automobile sector. 
  • Projection welding is used inwards refrigeration industrial plant ( volume production of condensers, gratings, racks etc.)


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