Physics Fourth Dimension Line..Important Years As Well As Inventions.


 together with scientists come upward to the library at Alexandria Arab Republic of Egypt PHYSICS TIME LINE..IMPORTANT YEARS AND INVENTIONS.

1.300 BC-640 AD Astronomers, philosophers, mathematicians, together with scientists come upward to the library at Alexandria Egypt.

2. 1534 AD copernicus proposed the Heliocentric Theory - that the Dominicus is at the middle of the Solar System.

3. 1609 AD Galileo conducts his famous experiments on the Velocity of falling objects. He confirms the Heliocentric Theory.

4. 1687 AD Sir Issac Newton publishes Principia, which describes gravitation together with laws of motion.

5. 1738 AD Bernoulli studies the behaviour of gases. Puts forrard his famous Bernoulli's theorem.

6. 1752 AD Benjamin Franklin flies a kite, asset the string amongst an Fe fundamental together with shows that lighting is a cast of electricity.

7. 1800 AD Alessandro Volta invents the electrical battery.

8. 1851 AD Lord Kelvin puts the rootage 2 laws of thermodynamics.

9. 1869 AD Mendalyev draws out the periodic tabular array elements. He leaves a gap for elements non all the same discovered.When these elements are discovered, they would check perfectly inside the table.

10. 1873 AD Maxwell discovers that low-cal is a cast of electromagnetic radiations.

11. 1885 AD Carl Benz together with Gottlieb Daimler laid out the historic menses of automobiles.They invent the internal combustion engine.

12. 1895 AD Roentgen discovers the X-ray together with wins the rootage Nobel prize inwards 1901!

13. 1897 AD Sub-atomic particles laid out to live on discovered. Thomson discovers electrons inwards the atoms.

14. 1900 AD Max plank puts forrard the Quantum Theory of matter.

15. 1901 AD Radio waves are sent across the body of body of water past times Marconi.

16. 1905 AD Theory of relativity, the almost revolutionary theory thus far is seat forrard past times a 26-year-old Albert Einstein.

17. 1916 AD Neils Bohr proposes a Model of the atom based on Max Planck's Quantum Theory.

18. 1929 AD The universe is expanding, says Edward Hubble together with he proves it too.

19. 1930 AD For the regain of the Raman effect, Chandrasekhara Venkata was awarded the Nobel prize inwards physics.

20. 1938 AD the nuclear historic menses is born when Enrico  Fermi builds the rootage nuclear reactor. 

21. 1951 AD The rootage commercial figurer was introduced. together with the historic menses of computing begins.

21. 1960 AD The LASER is invented.

22. 1969 AD Mankind takes a big measuring together with lands on the moon.

23. 1971 AD Sand inwards the figurer ! the silicon fleck is invented.

24. 1977 AD The rootage personal figurer is introduced past times Apple.

25. 1986 AD GPS or the global positioning arrangement is introduced for the commercial use.

26. 1989 AD Enter broad spider web ! it spread slow together with thus goes boom.

27. 1990 AD Space is opened upward for viewing. The Hubble infinite telescope becomes operational. 


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