Branches of mechanical engineering: Electrical Discharge Machining (Edm) Principles

EDM is a non-conventional machining technique uniquely used for cutting metals which are non possible to cutting alongside traditional methods. EDM exclusively industrial plant alongside materials which are electrically conductive. Delicate cavities together with intricate contours which are hard to gain alongside a grinder or other machines tin live done alongside Electrical Discharge Machining or EDM. The cutting tool for EDM may live made of hardened likewise steel, titanium carbide or inconel or kovar.  

EDM is also known equally "Spark Machining" . Such refer has been given for the fact that it removes the metallic element yesteryear applying a rapid serial of repetitive electrical discharges. An electrode together with the move slice is used for the conducting path of these electrical discharges. H5N1 continuously flowing fluid is ever flowing to level away the lilliputian total of stuff that are removed. Repetitive discharge gives the workpiece a desired shape.

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Two primary EDM methods are

Ram EDM and
Wire EDM.

Between this ii methods the primary divergence is constitute inwards the electrodes. In ram EDM graphite electrodes are used. These electrodes are machined inwards traditional tools together with a exceptional shape is given which is connected to the mightiness source. The electrodes are also connected to a ram. When all the arrangements are create the electrodes are fed into the workpiece. The entire procedure is performed nether a submerged fluid bath. In Wire EDM the electrode it self is a sparse wire. Specially processed brass wires are used for feeding into the material. Electrical discharges cutting the w/p according to desired shape. Wire EDM is to a greater extent than oftentimes than non done spell submerged inwards a bathroom of water.

Ram Electro-Discharge Machining (EDM) Process

Rapid recurrence of spark produced betwixt the ii electrodes (tool & w/p) controls the metallic element erosion. It is to live noted that the workpiece must live an electrically conducting metal. An appropriate gap is necessary which is commonly or hence 0.025 to 0.075 mm known equally spark gap. The gap must live maintained betwixt the w/p together with the tool yesteryear a servo motor which runs yesteryear the divergence betwixt a reference together with gap breakdown voltage. The tool moves upwards together with downwards yesteryear this operating motor.
The charge per unit of measurement of metallic element removal depends on the spark gap. If both the electrodes are made of same materials together with then the highest erosion is constitute on the positive electrode or the anode. So logically to larn a high metallic element removal charge per unit of measurement together with a greater tool life the tool is made equally cathode together with workpiece industrial plant equally anode, The ii electrodes are kept apart together with are separated yesteryear a dielectric fluid. H5N1 transient electrical discharge is constitute across the gap betwixt the ii electrodes inwards the cast of spark. When the potential divergence betwixt the electrodes is sufficient, the dielectric fluid is ionized together with interruption downwards which inwards price produces an conductive spark channel. The electrical flow is discharged across the channel yesteryear the condensers equally spark. If the potential divergence is less than or equal to 12 volts the dielectric fluid is deionized. The procedure is repeat itself equally the condensers foremost to recharge. The spark interval is to a greater extent than oftentimes than non 10 to xxx microseconds together with the electrical flow density ranges from 15-500 am/mm2. The unloosen energy is released from the sparks inwards the cast of local estrus together with eventually local temperature constitute is inwards the gild of 12000°C. Such hotness together with clit per unit of measurement area melts together with erodes some metals some of which is vaporized together with other fine stuff particles are carried yesteryear the fluid circulating about the electrodes which creates a crater on the w/p. As the fourth dimension interval of the sparks is real depression the estrus doesn't larn fourth dimension to conducted betwixt the tool & workpiece. Fig below shows a schematic diagram of the whole process.

conventional machining technique uniquely used for cutting metals which are non possible t branchesofmechanicalengineering: Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM) Principles

How to lead the Tool Material
Many factors are needed to live taken into consideration spell selecting the tool material.
  • Low erosion charge per unit of measurement together with decent move to tool article of apparel ratio
  • good electrical conductivity 
  • good machinability 
  • low electrical resistance 
  • high melting betoken . 
  • high charge per unit of measurement of electron emission  
EDM has i major drawback together with it is the article of apparel ratio of the tool. Different stuff has dissimilar article of apparel ratio. For Brass it is 1:1 . For metallic element electrodes it is constitute 3:1 or 4:1 . For high melting betoken electrode graphite it ranges from 5:1 to 50 :1 . 

Tool Wear

While applying EDM the tool or cathode also erodes which is non desirable. It is unavoidable but remains inwards tolerable bound equally the article of apparel of the cathode is much less than the anode. This occurs because -
  • Positive ions from the dielectric fluid striking the cathode but electrons strikes the anode. Though electrons are much lighter than the positive ions it possesses to a greater extent than unloosen energy equally it moves it greater velocity. So anode gets to a greater extent than eroded. 
  • At the fourth dimension of spark a compressive forcefulness is created at the cathode which reduces the cathode erosion. 
  • Fluid medium is to a greater extent than oftentimes than non hydrocarbon. Due to pyrolysis gases are produced which produces carbon particle together with these particles create a sparse layer of protection on the cathode. Thus the cathode is much safer than anode. 

Purpose of Dielectric Fluid 
  • Effective Coolant for the workpiece together with the tool . 
  • It industrial plant equally an insulating stuff during the charging of the condenser equally a resultant perfect status for efficacious spark discharge together with its conduction when ionized is obtained. 
  • The eroded materials are carried away yesteryear this medium. 
  • It is a coolant inwards quenching the spark together with prevents the arcing. 

Essential Requirements for dielectric fluid 

  • Optimum Viscosity is necessary . If the viscosity is depression together with then the fluid volition non live able to send the metallic element particles. On the other mitt if the viscosity is high together with then it volition bound the catamenia of the liquid. 
  • It should live non-reactive alongside the move piece, container or the tool material. 
  • Non-expensive, easily available together with inflammable. 
  • It should non gain toxic gases or vapors during the operation. 
  • It should live a hydrocarbon compound. 
Different dielectric fluids are : transformer oil, spirit (white), fossil oil together with kerosene etc. If some conducting mightiness similar aluminum or calorie-free graphite is added to the fluid together with then the metallic element removal charge per unit of measurement increases. 

Advantages of EDM

  • Metal having whatsoever hardness or brittleness together with toughness tin live machined. 
  • Harder materials such equally steel alloys or tungsten carbides which are used for molding together with other non-conventional machining similar forging together with press tools tin live reproduced. 
  • Dies tin live machined at hardened condition. 
  • Complicated shapes tin live reproduced. 
  • Very fine holes tin live done real accurately . 
  • The accuracy is real high. Tolerance of 0.005 mm tin live achieved. 
  • Wear resistance surface tin live made because workpieces produced alongside EDM receive got micro-craters which tin comprise lubricants effectively. 
  • The physical contact betwixt the tool together with w/p is avoided. No cutting forcefulness other than blasting clit per unit of measurement area is exerted. So delicate jobs together with cylinders tin live machined without causing whatsoever damage. 
  • Harder metals tin live machined real speedily inwards comparing to the conventional machining process. 

Disadvantages Electrical Discharge Machining 

  • The mightiness required for machining is much higher compared to the conventional machining. (120J/mm2)
  • There are chances of surface peachy when the materials larn brittle at room temperature. 
  • A sparse layer commonly ranging from 0.01 mm to 0,10 mm containing four % carbon may live deposited on the workpieces made of steel 
  • The Material Removal Rate  (MRR) is comparatively depression (75 mm3/sec)
  • Reproducing sudden corners is hard inwards EDM. 
  • Sometimes the micro-structures are distorted together with afterward etching occurs. 

Applications of EDM 

Generally EDM is hugely used for machining burr gratuitous intricate shapes equally good equally narrow slots together with blind cavities. Sinking of dies , plastic molding, driblet dead casting compacting, mutual depression temperature heading, extrusion, press tools, wire drawings are some of the examples of its application. Negative tool geometry tin also live generated on a w/p if suitable tool tin live made. EDM is real useful for machining small-scale holes. It is also used to cutting slot inwards diesel injection nozzles. It is also used inwards air crfat engines together with brake valves etc.

Wire Electrical Discharge Machining

H5N1 real sparse wire of diameter ranging from 0.02 to 0.3 mm is used equally an electrode inwards wire cutting EDM. It cuts the workpiece alongside electrical discharge only similar a band saw. In this procedure either workpiece or the wire is moved. The spark discharge phenomenon is used for eroding the metallic element which is same equally the conventional EDM. In wire cutting EDM the wire acts equally an electrode equally a resultant complicated shapes tin live cutting easily without forming electrode. Basically the wire-cut EDM consists of a machine which has a workpiece contour displace command unit of measurement ( NC tension : a mightiness render which supplies electrical unloosen energy to the wire together with has a unit of measurement ) . It also has workpiece mounting tabular array together with a wire driver section. The wire driver department is role for moving the wire accurately at a constant tension. Another of import business office is the dielectric fluid (distilled water) supplier having constant specific resistance. Wire EDM has the next features -   
  •  No forming electrode is necessary. 
  • electrode article of apparel is real negligible. 
  • Smooth machined surface. 
  • Tight geometrical together with dimensional tolerances . 
  • Extremely high tolerances betwixt punch together with die. Extended driblet dead life. 
  • Straight holes are possible to produce. 
  • Machine tin live operated without whatsoever regular supervision for long fourth dimension at high operating rates. 
  • No science is needed to run the machine. 
conventional machining technique uniquely used for cutting metals which are non possible t branchesofmechanicalengineering: Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM) Principles


  • Because of the absense of the split upwardly lines inwards the die, savings of the stages inwards the sequential tools occurs. It permits to a greater extent than punch opening per stage. 
  • There volition no flashes on the molded parts because the molds alongside draught  can live arranged without vertical divisions. 
  • To necessity for tool manufacturing together with storing. 
  •  Workpieces are hardened earlier cutting . So no estrus handling distortion is non present. 
  • Whole move is done inwards i machine . So driblet dead manufacturing cycle fourth dimension is short. 
  • Lesser inspection fourth dimension because of unmarried slice construction of dies alongside high accuracy. 
  • Time is utilized perfectly equally the wire cutting EDM tin cutting throughout the day. 
  • Very economical fifty-fifty for small-scale batch production. 
  • low thermally affected zone. High surface finish. 
  • Number of rejected workpieces are real small. 

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