Branches of mechanical engineering: Edifice Shiny App Exercises + Solutions - Utilisation Two - R

In the instant component of our serial you lot volition come across how to add together command widgets inwards your Shiny app. Widget is a spider web chemical ingredient that your users tin interact with. The widgets provided past times Shiny are:
actionButton: Action Button
checkboxGroupInput: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 grouping of cheque boxes
checkboxInput: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 unmarried cheque box
dateInput: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 calendar for appointment selection
dateRangeInput: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 span of calendars for selecting a appointment range
fileInput: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 file upload command wizard
helpText: Help text that tin hold upward added to an input form
numericInput: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 champaign to acquire inwards numbers
radioButtons: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 laid of radio buttons
selectInput: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 box amongst choices to direct from
sliderInput: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 slider bar
submitButton: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 submit button
textInput: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 champaign to acquire inwards text
You tin add together widgets to your spider web page inwards the same agency that you lot added other types of HTML content in part 1.
To add together a widget to your app, house a widget business office in sidebarPanel or in mainPanel in your ui.R file.
The showtime ii arguments for each widget are a raise for the widget which volition hold upward a graphic symbol string that the user volition non see, but you lot tin work it to alter the widget’s value too a label which volition seem amongst the widget inwards your app too it should hold upward a graphic symbol string too.
The residue of the arguments vary from widget to widget, depending on what the widget needs to hold upward functional. They may hold upward initial values, ranges, too increments.
Follow the examples below to empathise the logic behind the widgets’ functions too and hence elevate the app you lot created in part 1 by practising amongst the practice laid nosotros prepared for you.
Firstly, nosotros volition add together all the kinds of the widgets to our app, for educational reasons too after nosotros volition determine which of them is practical to keep.
Note that nosotros volition but add together the buttons inwards this part. Reactivity volition hold upward added to them inwards a few chapters. Lets begin!
Answers to the exercises are available here.
If you lot obtained a unlike (correct) answer than those listed on the solutions page, delight experience costless to postal service your answer every bit a comment on that page.
Learn more about Shiny inwards the online course R Shiny Interactive Web Apps – Next Level Data Visualization. In this class you lot volition larn how to do advanced Shiny spider web apps; embed video, pdfs too images; add together focus too zooming tools; too many other functionalities (30 lectures, 3hrs.).
Exercise 1
Open the app you lot created in part 1 and motion the icon from sidebarPanel to mainPanel, acquire out ii rows nether the title “Main”, position the icon in that location too alter its dimensions to: height = 150 and width = 200. HINT: Use br.
In the instance below nosotros do a UI amongst a submitButton and an actionButton. Please banknote that nosotros work the function fluidrow to brand certain that all the elements nosotros are going to work volition hold upward inwards the same trouble every bit nosotros are going to bespeak this inwards the adjacent parts:
# ui.R
actionButton(“action”, label = “Action”),
# server.R
shinyServer(function(input, output) {
Exercise 2
Leave a row too house an actionButton under the championship “Menu” in sidebarPanel, hand it the championship “Actionbutton”, name = “per” and label = “Perform”. HINT: Use br and h4.
Exercise 3
Leave a row from the actionButton you but placed too add together a submitButton with title = “Submitbutton” and name = “Submit”. HINT: Use br and h4.
In the instance below nosotros do a UI amongst a unmarried Checkbox:
# ui.R
fluidRow(h3(“Single checkbox”),
checkboxInput(“checkbox”, label = “Choice A”, value = TRUE))))
shinyServer(function(input, output) {
Exercise 4
Add a checkboxInput in the sidebarPanel under the submitButton, position every bit championship “Single Checkbox”, raise it “checbox”, raise the label “Choice A” too laid the value to “TRUE”. HINT: Use h4.
Exercise 5
Change the value to “FALSE” to empathise the difference.
In the instance below nosotros do a UI amongst a Checkbox Group:
label = h3(“Checkbox group”),
choices = list(“Choice 1” = 1,
“Choice 2” = 2, “Choice 3” = 3),
selected = 2)
shinyServer(function(input, output) {
Exercise 6
Place a checkboxGroupInput under the checkboxInput, hand it championship “Checkbox Group”, raise it “checkGroup”, raise the label “Checkbox Group” too hand it 3 choices. HINT: Use h4
Exercise 7
Make the instant of the choicesthe default one.
In the instance below nosotros do a UI amongst a Date Input:
label = h3(“Date input”),
value = “2016-12-07”)
shinyServer(function(input, output) {
Exercise 8
Under the checkboxGroupInput add a dateInput with name = “date”, label = “Date Input” and value = “2016-12-01”.
In the instance below nosotros do a UI amongst a Date Range Input:
dateRangeInput(“dates”, label = h3(“Date range”))
shinyServer(function(input, output) {
Exercise 9
Under the dateInput place a dateRangeInput with name = “dates” and label = “Date Range”. HINT: Use h4.
In the instance below nosotros do a UI amongst a File Input.
fileInput(“file”, label = h3(“File input”))
shinyServer(function(input, output) {
Exercise 10
Under the dateRangeInput place a fileInput. Name it “file” too hand it the label “File Input”.

Below are the solutions to these exercises on Building Shiny App.
Learn more about Shiny inwards the online course R Shiny Interactive Web Apps – Next Level Data Visualization. In this class you lot volition larn how to do advanced Shiny spider web apps; embed video, pdfs too images; add together focus too zooming tools; too many other functionalities (30 lectures, 3hrs.).
#################### #                  # #    Exercise 1    # #                  # ####################  #ui.R library(shiny) shinyUI(fluidPage(   titlePanel("Shiny App"),    sidebarLayout(     sidebarPanel(h2("Menu")                 ),     mainPanel(h1("Main"),               br(),               br(),               img(src = "petal.jpg", height = 150, width = 200),               p("This famous (Fisher's or Anderson's) ", a("iris",href=""), "data laid gives the measurements inwards centimeters of the variables sepal length too width too petal length too width, respectively, for fifty flowers from each of three species of iris. The species are ",strong( "Iris setosa,"),strong( "versicolor"), "and", strong("virginica.")),               br(),               h2("Analysis")                 ) )))  #################### #                  # #    Exercise 2    # #                  # ####################  #ui.R library(shiny) shinyUI(fluidPage(   titlePanel("Shiny App"),    sidebarLayout(     sidebarPanel(h2("Menu"),                  br(),                  h4("Actionbutton"),                  actionButton("per", label = "Perform")                 ),      mainPanel(h1("Main"),               img(src = "petal.jpg", height = 150, width = 200),               p("This famous (Fisher's or Anderson's) ", a("iris",href=""), "data laid gives the measurements inwards centimeters of the variables sepal length too width too petal length too width, respectively, for fifty flowers from each of three species of iris. The species are ",strong( "Iris setosa,"),strong( "versicolor"), "and", strong("virginica.")),               br(),               h2("Analysis")                 ) )))  #################### #                  # #    Exercise three    # #                  # ####################  #ui.R library(shiny) shinyUI(fluidPage(   titlePanel("Shiny App"),    sidebarLayout(     sidebarPanel(h2("Menu"),                  br(),                  h4("Actionbutton"),                  actionButton("per", label = "Perform"),                  br(),                  h4("Submitbutton"),                  submitButton("Submit")                 ),      mainPanel(h1("Main"),               img(src = "petal.jpg", height = 150, width = 200),               br(),               br(),               p("This famous (Fisher's or Anderson's) ", a("iris",href=""), "data laid gives the measurements inwards centimeters of the variables sepal length too width too petal length too width, respectively, for fifty flowers from each of three species of iris. The species are ",strong( "Iris setosa,"),strong( "versicolor"), "and", strong("virginica.")),               br(),               h2("Analysis")                 ) )))  #################### #                  # #    Exercise iv    # #                  # ####################  #ui.R library(shiny) shinyUI(fluidPage(   titlePanel("Shiny App"),    sidebarLayout(     sidebarPanel(h2("Menu"),                  br(),                  h4("Actionbutton"),                  actionButton("per", label = "Perform"),                  br(),                  h4("Submitbutton"),                  submitButton("Submit"),                  h4("Single Checkbox"),                 checkboxInput("checkbox", label = "Choice A", value = TRUE)                 ),      mainPanel(h1("Main"),               img(src = "petal.jpg", height = 150, width = 200),               br(),               br(),               p("This famous (Fisher's or Anderson's) ", a("iris",href=""), "data laid gives the measurements inwards centimeters of the variables sepal length too width too petal length too width, respectively, for fifty flowers from each of three species of iris. The species are ",strong( "Iris setosa,"),strong( "versicolor"), "and", strong("virginica.")),               br(),               h2("Analysis")    ) )))  #################### #                  # #    Exercise v    # #                  # ####################  #ui.R library(shiny) shinyUI(fluidPage(   titlePanel("Shiny App"),    sidebarLayout(     sidebarPanel(h2("Menu"),                  br(),                  h4("Actionbutton"),                  actionButton("per", label = "Perform"),                  br(),                  h4("Submitbutton"),                  submitButton("Submit"),                  h4("Single Checkbox"),                 checkboxInput("checkbox", label = "Choice A", value = FALSE)                 ),      mainPanel(h1("Main"),               img(src = "petal.jpg", height = 150, width = 200),               br(),               br(),               p("This famous (Fisher's or Anderson's) ", a("iris",href=""), "data laid gives the measurements inwards centimeters of the variables sepal length too width too petal length too width, respectively, for fifty flowers from each of three species of iris. The species are ",strong( "Iris setosa,"),strong( "versicolor"), "and", strong("virginica.")),               br(),               h2("Analysis")    ) )))  #################### #                  # #    Exercise vi    # #                  # ####################  #ui.R library(shiny) shinyUI(fluidPage(   titlePanel("Shiny App"),    sidebarLayout(     sidebarPanel(h2("Menu"),                  br(),                  h4("Actionbutton"),                  actionButton("per", label = "Perform"),                  br(),                  h4("Submitbutton"),                  submitButton("Submit"),                  h4("Single Checkbox"),                 checkboxInput("checkbox", label = "Choice A", value = TRUE),                 checkboxGroupInput("checkGroup",                                    label = h4("Checkbox group"),                                    choices = list("Choice 1" = 1,                                                   "Choice 2" = 2, "Choice 3" = 3)                                    )),     mainPanel(h1("Main"),               img(src = "petal.jpg", height = 150, width = 200),               br(),               br(),               p("This famous (Fisher's or Anderson's) ", a("iris",href=""), "data laid gives the measurements inwards centimeters of the variables sepal length too width too petal length too width, respectively, for fifty flowers from each of three species of iris. The species are ",strong( "Iris setosa,"),strong( "versicolor"), "and", strong("virginica.")),               br(),               h2("Analysis")    ) )))  #################### #                  # #    Exercise seven    # #                  # ####################  #ui.R library(shiny) shinyUI(fluidPage(   titlePanel("Shiny App"),    sidebarLayout(     sidebarPanel(h2("Menu"),                  br(),                  h4("Actionbutton"),                  actionButton("per", label = "Perform"),                  br(),                  h4("Submitbutton"),                  submitButton("Submit"),                  h4("Single Checkbox"),                 checkboxInput("checkbox", label = "Choice A", value = TRUE),                 checkboxGroupInput("checkGroup",                                    label = h4("Checkbox group"),                                    choices = list("Choice 1" = 1,                                                   "Choice 2" = 2, "Choice 3" = 3),                                    selected = 2)),     mainPanel(h1("Main"),               img(src = "petal.jpg", height = 150, width = 200),               br(),               br(),               p("This famous (Fisher's or Anderson's) ", a("iris",href=""), "data laid gives the measurements inwards centimeters of the variables sepal length too width too petal length too width, respectively, for fifty flowers from each of three species of iris. The species are ",strong( "Iris setosa,"),strong( "versicolor"), "and", strong("virginica.")),               br(),               h2("Analysis")    ) )))  #################### #                  # #    Exercise 8    # #                  # ####################  #ui.R library(shiny) shinyUI(fluidPage(   titlePanel("Shiny App"),    sidebarLayout(     sidebarPanel(h2("Menu"),                  br(),                  h4("Actionbutton"),                  actionButton("per", label = "Perform"),                  br(),                  h4("Submitbutton"),                  submitButton("Submit"),                  h4("Single Checkbox"),                 checkboxInput("checkbox", label = "Choice A", value = TRUE),                 checkboxGroupInput("checkGroup",                                    label = h4("Checkbox group"),                                    choices = list("Choice 1" = 1,                                                   "Choice 2" = 2, "Choice 3" = 3),                                    selected = 2),                 dateInput("date",                           label = h4("Date input"),                           value = "2016-12-01")),     mainPanel(h1("Main"),               img(src = "petal.jpg", height = 150, width = 200),               br(),               br(),               p("This famous (Fisher's or Anderson's) ", a("iris",href=""), "data laid gives the measurements inwards centimeters of the variables sepal length too width too petal length too width, respectively, for fifty flowers from each of three species of iris. The species are ",strong( "Iris setosa,"),strong( "versicolor"), "and", strong("virginica.")),               br(),               h2("Analysis")    ) )))  #################### #                  # #    Exercise ix    # #                  # ####################  #ui.R library(shiny) shinyUI(fluidPage(   titlePanel("Shiny App"),    sidebarLayout(     sidebarPanel(h2("Menu"),                  br(),                  h4("Actionbutton"),                  actionButton("per", label = "Perform"),                  br(),                  h4("Submitbutton"),                  submitButton("Submit"),                  h4("Single Checkbox"),                 checkboxInput("checkbox", label = "Choice A", value = TRUE),                 checkboxGroupInput("checkGroup",                                    label = h4("Checkbox group"),                                    choices = list("Choice 1" = 1,                                                   "Choice 2" = 2, "Choice 3" = 3),                                    selected = 2),                 dateInput("date",                           label = h4("Date input"),                           value = "2016-12-01"),                 dateRangeInput("dates", label = h4("Date Range"))),     mainPanel(h1("Main"),               img(src = "petal.jpg", height = 150, width = 200),               br(),               br(),               p("This famous (Fisher's or Anderson's) ", a("iris",href=""), "data laid gives the measurements inwards centimeters of the variables sepal length too width too petal length too width, respectively, for fifty flowers from each of three species of iris. The species are ",strong( "Iris setosa,"),strong( "versicolor"), "and", strong("virginica.")),               br(),               h2("Analysis")    ) )))  #################### #                  # #    Exercise 10   # #                  # ####################  #ui.R library(shiny) shinyUI(fluidPage(   titlePanel("Shiny App"),    sidebarLayout(     sidebarPanel(h2("Menu"),                  br(),                  h4("Actionbutton"),                  actionButton("per", label = "Perform"),                  br(),                  h4("Submitbutton"),                  submitButton("Submit"),                  h4("Single Checkbox"),                 checkboxInput("checkbox", label = "Choice A", value = TRUE),                 checkboxGroupInput("checkGroup",                                    label = h4("Checkbox group"),                                    choices = list("Choice 1" = 1,                                                   "Choice 2" = 2, "Choice 3" = 3),                                    selected = 2),                 dateInput("date",                           label = h4("Date input"),                           value = "2016-12-01"),                 dateRangeInput("dates", label = h4("Date Range")),                 fileInput("file", label = h4("File Input"))),     mainPanel(h1("Main"),               img(src = "petal.jpg", height = 150, width = 200),               br(),               br(),               p("This famous (Fisher's or Anderson's) ", a("iris",href=""), "data laid gives the measurements inwards centimeters of the variables sepal length too width too petal length too width, respectively, for fifty flowers from each of three species of iris. The species are ",strong( "Iris setosa,"),strong( "versicolor"), "and", strong("virginica.")),               br(),               h2("Analysis")    ) ))) 



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