Branches of mechanical engineering: Afit Information Scientific Discipline Lab R Programming Direct

Data Wrangling amongst R

Authors: Boehmke, Bradley

LOGM 655: Text Mining

Text mining is the organization, classification, labeling as well as extraction of information from text sources. In these days of to a greater extent than information readily available through the internet, analysts as well as conclusion makers discovery themselves overloaded amongst data. Text mining is an application which tin assistance analysts glean necessary information either for full general agreement almost a corpus of text documents, or for putting text into a shape useful for the application of choice analysis techniques.
This course of written report volition innovate students to this speedily growing land as well as equip them amongst some of its basic principles as well as tools every bit good every bit its full general mindset. Students volition larn concepts, techniques as well as tools they require to bargain amongst text mining exercise inwards a Joint military machine context.

Class Information

Course Objectives

The chief objective of this course of written report is to assistance the pupil sympathize the basic techniques as well as processes for text mining as well as how to job them to brand improve decisions. More specifically, at the completion of the course, each pupil should move able to:
  • Understanding when, where, as well as how to perform text mining to appropriate problems as well as information sets.
  • Code as well as sympathize code using relevant R packages inwards text mining.
  • Lead as well as move inside a grouping of researchers analyzing a specific text mining problem.

Course Text

  1. Text Mining amongst R, H5N1 Tidy Approach, J. Silge as well as D. Robinson, complimentary webversion:
  2. AFIT Data Science Lab R Programming gude.

Class Structure

This course of written report blends textbook reading amongst online lectures as well as demonstrations that emphasize give-and-take as well as instance of methods, every bit good every bit hands-on, practical applications that supply both a audio base of operations of learning as well as an chance to essay out as well as railroad train skill. A flipped classroom volition move emphasized where students pass fourth dimension exterior the classroom learning the cloth via the textbook as well as online cloth as well as the bulk of in-class activities volition move reserved to review, clarify, as well as do hands-on projects as well as coding. Thus, students should select a laptop to course of written report as well as move prepared to implement the tools as well as skills they are learning. Students should await to dedicate or as well as therefore two hours of fourth dimension exterior of the classroom performing coursework for every 1 hr inwards the classroom.

Performance Evaluation

Your in conclusion course of written report flat volition move determined according to the next requirements as well as their respective weights.
Final grades volition move distributed according to the next cutoffs:
  • A     94 – 100%
  • A-    xc – 93%
  • B+    87 – 89%
  • B      83 – 86%
  • B-    eighty – 82%
  • C+    77 – 79%
  • C      73 – 76%
  • C-    seventy – 72%
  • D & F   Hopefully None!


WeekDatesLesson DescriptionLearning MaterialDeliverables
1Oct 2-6Regular expressions 
2Oct 9-13Parsing & tidying text 
3Oct 16-20Methods for intelligence human relationship analysisStudent-led
4Oct 23-27Methods for theme analysisStudent-led
5Oct 30-Nov 3Methods for text classification Student-led
6Nov 6-10Methods for text clusering Student-led
7Nov 13-17Methods for stance analysis Student-led
8Nov 20-24TBD  
9Nov 27-Dec 1Student presentations Presentation
10Dec 4-8Student presentations Presentation


We volition job this software during the course. Plan on bringing a reckoner to each course of written report meeting.
  • R and RStudio will move used to perform all programming activities, assignments, as well as the in conclusion project. You tin discovery details on how to download these here.
  • Slack will supervene upon electronic mail as well as Blackboard for our course. You volition have an invitation to the AFIT DSL slack team. You may wishing to install 1 of the apps.


  1. Attendance: Attendance at all course of written report sessions as well as exams is mandatory for military machine as well as civilians assigned to AFIT every bit full-time students except for extenuating circumstances. Scheduled classes as well as exams are defined past times the teacher as well as they are documented inwards the course of written report schedule. Part-time students are expected to attend scheduled classes, as well as absences should move explained to the instructor. The pupil should supply advance notice, if possible. (References: Student Handbook, Graduate School Catalog)
  2. Academic Integrity: All students must adhere to the highest standards of academic integrity. Students are prohibited from engaging inwards plagiarism, cheating, misrepresentation, or whatever other deed constituting a lack of academic integrity. Failure on the purpose of whatever private to exercise academic integrity is non condoned as well as volition non move tolerated. Individuals who violate this policy are dependent area to adverse administrative activeness including disenrollment from schoolhouse as well as disciplinary action. Individuals dependent area to the Uniform Code of Military Justice may move prosecuted nether it. Violations past times authorities civilian employees may number inwards administrative disciplinary activeness without regard to otherwise applicable criminal or civil sanctions for violations of related laws. (References: Student Handbook, ENOI 36 – 107, Academic Integrity)
  3. Academic Grievance: AFIT as well as the Graduate School of Engineering as well as Management affirm the correct of each pupil to resolve grievances amongst the Institution. Students are guaranteed the correct of fair hearing as well as appeal inwards all matters of judgment of academic performance. Procedures are detailed inwards ENOI 36 – 138, Student Academic Performance Appeals.
  4. Testing Policy: This is a project-based course. Consequently at that spot volition move no midterm or in conclusion exam.
  5. Late Assignments as well as Make-Ups: Late submissions volition non move accepted.
  6. Tentative Plan: The course of written report syllabus is a full general invention for the course; deviations announced to the course of written report past times the teacher may move necessary.


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