Branches of mechanical engineering: Cmps 242 Page Introduction To Motorcar Learning

Prof. Manfred K. Warmuth
Computer Science, UC Santa Cruz

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Fall 2017

Manfred K. Warmuth

Class:    Tu Thursday 3:20-4:55, Thieman Lecture Hall 1 Instructor business office hours: We 2-3, Fr 1-2 E2 357 Course piazza  TAs    Ehsan Amid as well as Tianyi Luo  Ehsan give-and-take sections: We 10:40-11:45 Phys Sc. 140      Fr 12:00-1:05 populace as well as Marine B214     Ehsan business office hours:  We 3:00-4:00 BE-118     Fr 2:00-3:00 BE-118  Tianyi give-and-take sections: Tu 1:30-2:35 Soc Sci ii - 165     We 1:20-2:25 Baskin 165  Tianyi business office hours:  Tu 6:00-7:00 pm BE-312 C/D     Thursday 5:30-6:30 pm BE-119  Prerequisite:   Probability Theory, Linear Algebra  Book:    Pattern Recognition as well as Machine Learning past times Christopher Bishop  Syllabus   Summary of lectures   
1 Intro to Machine Learning using plication plumbing equipment equally an instance  curve plumbing equipment    Overfitting, complexity control, regularization         Experimental setups w. training, validation as well as seek out sets  Experimental setups w. training, validation as well as seek out sets   Read: Section 1.1 of textbook          Hw1  - Due inwards a week: Thursday 10-5-17 induce down of course of didactics  ii Conditional Probabilities, Bayes rule  Bayes inwards the tube  Frequentist versus Bayes  three Discuss Hw1 solution  sol 1 w. source code past times Andrew Stolman & Zayd Hammoudeh  sol 2 code past times Tianyi as well as Ehsan   Coding Theory, relative entropy  Relevant chapters from Cover/Thomas book         Visualizations of relative entropies    Maple file  Finish reading Chapter 1 of textbook    Convexity as well as Jensen's inequality          Hw2  - Due inwards a week: Thursday 10-12-17 induce down of course of didactics  (Exercises of Chapter 1)  four Basic distributions, exponential families  Duality for exponential families  five  Overview of how to build convex loss functions an regularizer & grooming of parameters    Linear as well as logistic regression equally examples   Bregman diversions for constructing regularizers as well as losses  Hw2 Solution Tianyi as well as Ehsan    Hw3  - Due Tu 10-24-17 induce down of course of didactics  vi   seven   8 HW3 due  HW4 (programming a uncomplicated Neural Net)    


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