Branches of mechanical engineering: Concepts Inwards Computing Amongst Data

Sources: s133/resources.html s133/schedule.html s133/dates.html

Concepts inwards Computing amongst Data

Statistics 133, Fall 2007


Data Sets


Class Schedule

Jan 19Introduction
Jan 21Introduction to R
Jan 24R: Vectors as well as Matrices
Jan 26R: Data Frames as well as Plotting
Jan 28R: Data Frames as well as Plotting
Jan 31Introduction to UNIX
Feb 02R: Dates, Data Summaries as well as Functions
Feb 04R: Functions
Feb 07Functions for Working amongst Characters
Feb 09R: String Manipulation
Feb 11Regular Expressions
Feb 14Regular Expressions
Feb 16Regular Expressions
Feb 18Using Regular Expressions
Feb 23Graphics
Feb 25Graphics Concepts I
Feb 28Graphics Concepts II
Mar 02*Midterm Exam*
Mar 04Graphics as well as Spread Sheets
Mar 07Spreadsheets as well as Databases
Mar 09Databases
Mar 11Databases as well as R
Mar 14Cluster Analysis
Mar 16Cluster Analysis as well as R
Mar 18Introduction to XML/ XML as well as R
Mar 28Some Programming Examples
Mar 30Classification Methods
Apr 01Classification Methods
Apr 04Hypothesis Testing, Power, Distributions as well as Random Numbers
Apr 06t-tests as well as Simulations
Apr 09Graphical User Interfaces(GUIs)
Apr 11GUIs
Apr 13GUIs as well as CGI (Web Programming)
Apr 15CGI (Web Programming)
Apr 18Smoothers
Apr 20Smoothers
Apr 22Linear Regression
Apr 25Analysis of Variance
Apr 27Analysis of Variance
Apr 29Analysis of Variance


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