Branches of mechanical engineering: How To Add Together Jupyter Notebook Prototype Inwards Ubuntu Unity Sidebar - Ubuntu 16.04

Hello, Everybody!

The jupyter notebook is a peachy web-based interactive computational environs for creating, it is a programming linguistic communication agnostic - back upward to a greater extent than than  forty kernels, I personally bring R in addition to Python iii in addition to they are working really well.

Just for fun in addition to I occupation non demand to type inwards the shell: "Jupyter notebook" every fourth dimension when I demand to purpose this cool app, so, it volition last prissy if you lot bring a "shortcut" like shown below inwards your side bar, in addition to amongst i click you lot are in!

Here is how to add together a shortcut of Jupiter notebook inwards the Ubuntu Unity Desktop launcher:

This is the link I followed to create the shortcut:

1) create the desktop path using :
gksudo gedit /usr/share/applications/jupyter.desktop

if you lot dont't have gksudo you tin flame easily install it by:

sudo apt-get install gksu
the difference between:  gksu and gksudo is described here:
gksu  is  a  frontend  to  su  in addition to gksudo is a frontend to sudo. 
You volition encounter an opened upward blank text file
next, you lot demand to add together the below information equally a description

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Jupyter Notebook
Exec=jupyter notebook

but notice hither I took the icon from pictures path, you lot tin flame position it anywhere you lot want, I typed "Jupyter icon" to honor this prissy icon.

Finally, nosotros demand to arrive executable, typing the ascendancy below inwards shell:

#make it executable
sudo chmod +x /usr/share/applications/jupyter.desktop

afterward updating you lot should encounter your application straight off available inwards the search equally shown below:

You tin flame drag in addition to drib to the sidebar. 


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