Branches of mechanical engineering: Stage Of Waterfall Model |Software Engineering

Different phases of the classical waterfall model

The classical waterfall model is intuitively the almost obvious means to prepare software. Though the classical waterfall model is elegant in addition to intuitively obvious, it is non a practical model inwards the feel that it tin non endure used inwards actual software evolution projects. Thus, this model tin endure considered to endure a theoretical means of developing software. But all other life bike models are essentially derived from the classical waterfall model.
So, inwards fellowship to endure able to appreciate other life bike models it is necessary to acquire the classical waterfall model.

  • ƒ     Feasibility Study
  • ƒ     Requirements Analysis in addition to Specification
  • ƒ     Design
  • ƒ     Coding in addition to Unit Testing
  • ƒ     Integration in addition to System Testing
  • ƒ     Maintenance 


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