iPlots is a packet which provides interactive statistical graphics, written inwards Java. You tin uncovering many interesting plots such every bit histograms, barcharts, scatterplots, boxplots, fluctuation diagrams, parallel coordinates plots as well as spineplots. The amazing utilization is that all of these plots back upward querying, linked highlighting, color brushing, as well as interactive changing of parameters.
Before proceeding, delight follow our short tutorial.
Look at the examples given as well as displace to empathise the logic behind them. Then displace to solve the exercises below using R as well as without looking at the answers. Then banking concern represent the banking concern represent your answers.
Look at the examples given as well as displace to empathise the logic behind them. Then displace to solve the exercises below using R as well as without looking at the answers. Then banking concern represent the banking concern represent your answers.
Exercise 1
Install as well as telephone band the packages
and MASS
in your working environs as well as and thus attach the dataset “Cars93”. Exercise 2
Create a mosaic plot of the variables “AirBags”, “Cylinders” as well as “Origin” of the “Cars93” dataset. HINT: Use
. Exercise 3
Create a barchart of the variable “Fuel.tank.capacity” of the “Cars93” dataset. HINT: Use
. Exercise 4
Get a spineplot of the barchart you lot created inwards Exercise 3. HINT: Use
. Exercise 5
See how the variable “Type” is ordered. HINT: Use
. Learn more about dissimilar visualization packages inwards the online course R: Complete Data Visualization Solutions. In this course of report you lot volition larn how to:
- Work extensively alongside dissimilar packages to visualize your data
- Learn what visualizations be for your specific utilization case
- And much more
Exercise 6
Reverse the lodge of the variable “Type”, advert it “Type2” as well as banking concern represent the lodge of “Type2”. HINT: Use
and levels()
. Exercise 7
Plot the barcharts of “Type” as well as “Type2” as well as spot the difference. HINT: Use
. Exercise 8
Make a Parallel Coordinate Plot for all the continuous variables of “Cars93”. HINT: Use
. Exercise 9
Make a parallel boxplot for all “price” variables. HINT: Use
. Exercise 10
Split the boxplot for “Wheelbase” past times set out of “Cylinders”. HINT: Use
. _______________________________________
Below are the solutions to these iPlots exercises.
#################### # # # Exercise 1 # # # #################### install.packages("iplots") install.packages("MASS") library(iplots) library(MASS) data("Cars93") attach(Cars93) #################### # # # Exercise two # # # #################### library(iplots) library(MASS) data("Cars93") attach(Cars93) imosaic(data.frame(AirBags,Cylinders,Origin)) #################### # # # Exercise iii # # # #################### library(iplots) library(MASS) data("Cars93") attach(Cars93) ibar(Fuel.tank.capacity) #################### # # # Exercise iv # # # #################### library(iplots) library(MASS) data("Cars93") attach(Cars93) ibar(Fuel.tank.capacity,isSpine=T) #################### # # # Exercise v # # # #################### library(iplots) library(MASS) data("Cars93") attach(Cars93) levels(Type) #################### # # # Exercise half dozen # # # #################### library(iplots) library(MASS) data("Cars93") attach(Cars93) Type2 <- ordered(Type, c("Van", "Sporty","Small", "Midsize","Large","Compact")) levels(Type2) #################### # # # Exercise vii # # # #################### library(iplots) library(MASS) data("Cars93") attach(Cars93) Type2 <- ordered(Type, c("Van", "Sporty","Small", "Midsize","Large","Compact")) ibar(Type) ibar(Type2) #################### # # # Exercise 8 # # # #################### library(iplots) library(MASS) data("Cars93") attach(Cars93) ipcp(Cars93[c(4:8,12:15,17,19:25)]) #################### # # # Exercise ix # # # #################### library(iplots) library(MASS) data("Cars93") attach(Cars93) ibox(Cars93[4:6]) #################### # # # Exercise 10 # # # #################### library(iplots) library(MASS) data("Cars93") attach(Cars93) ibox(Wheelbase, Cylinders)