Branches of mechanical engineering: Functions Exercises + Solutions - R

Today we’re practicing functions! In the exercises below, you’re asked to write curt R scripts that define functions aimed at specific tasks. The exercises start out at an piece of cake level, together with gradually motion towards slightly to a greater extent than complex functions.
Answers to the exercises are available here.
If you lot obtained a unlike solution than the 1 posted on the answers page, delight allow us know of your solution yesteryear posting it every bit a comment at the halt of that page.
Note: For about exercises, the solution volition endure quite piece of cake if you lot brand clever utilization of about of R’s built-in functions. For about exercises, you lot powerfulness desire to do a vectorized solution (i.e., avoiding loops), and/or a (usually slower) non-vectorized solution. However, the exercises do non aim to practise vectorization together with speed, simply rather defining together with calling functions.
Exercise 1
Create a component that volition furnish the amount of ii integers.
Exercise 2
Create a component what volition furnish TRUE if a given integer is within a vector.
Exercise 3
Create a component that given a information frame volition impress yesteryear covert the advert of the column together with the shape of information it contains (e.g. Variable1 is Numeric).
Exercise 4
Create the component unique, which given a vector volition furnish a novel vector alongside the elements of the outset vector alongside duplicated elements removed.
Exercise 5
Create a component that given a vector together with an integer volition furnish how many times the integer appears within the vector.
Exercise 6
Create a component that given a vector volition impress yesteryear covert the hateful together with the measure deviation, it volition optionally too impress the median.
Exercise 7
Create a component that given an integer volition calculate how many divisors it has (other than 1 together with itself). Make the divisors seem yesteryear screen.
Exercise 8
Create a component that given a information frame, together with a disclose or graphic symbol volition furnish the information frame alongside the graphic symbol or disclose changed to NA.
Want to exercise functions a fleck more? We accept to a greater extent than exercise sets on this topic here.

Below are the solutions to these exercises on functions. If you lot obtained a unlike (smarter, vectorized, etc) solution, delight post service every bit a comment below.
# Exercise 1 f.sum <- function (x, y) {   r <- x + y   r } f.sum(5, 10) 
## [1] fifteen 
# Exercise ii  f.exists <- function (v, x) {   exist <- FALSE   i <- 1    while (i <= length (v) & !exist) {      if (v[i] == x) {       exist <- TRUE     }   i <- 1 + i   }   exist } f.exists(c(1:10), 10) 
## [1] TRUE 
f.exists(c(9, 3, 1), 10) 
## [1] FALSE 
# Exercise 3 f.class <- function (df) {   for (i in 1:ncol(df)) {     cat(names(df)[i], "is", class(df[, i]), "\n")   } } f.class(cars) 
## speed is numeric  ## dist is numeric 
# Exercise iv  f.uniq <- function (v) {   s <- c()    for(i in 1:length(v)) {     if(sum(v[i] == s) == 0) {       s <- c(s, v[i])     }   }   s } f.uniq(c(9, 9, 1, 1, 1, 0)) 
## [1] nine 1 0 
# Exercise five  f.count <- function (v, x) {   count <- 0    for (i in 1:length(v)) {     if (v[i] == x) {       count <- count + 1     }   }   count } f.count(c(1:9, rep(10, 100)), 10) 
## [1] 100 
# Exercise 6 desi <- function(x, med=FALSE) {    mean <- round(mean(x), 1)   stdv <- round(sd(x), 1)   cat("Mean is:", mean, ", SD is:", stdv, "\n")    if(med) {     median <- median(x)     cat("Median is:", median , "\n")   } } desi(1:10, med=TRUE) 
## Mean is: 5.5 , SD is: three  ## Median is: 5.5 
# Exercise seven  f.div <- function(n) {   i <- 2   counter <- 0    while(i <= n/2) {     if(n%%i==0) {       counter <- counter + 1       cat (i ,"\n")     }     i <- i + 1   }   counter } f.div(13) 
## [1] 0 
## ii  ## iv  ## 8 
## [1] three 
# Exercise 8 <- function (df, otherna) {   for(i in 1:ncol (df)) {     for(j in 1:nrow (df)) {       if(df[j,i] == otherna) {         df[j,i] <- NA       }     }   }   df } carsnew <-, 10)


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